Upcoming Events:
Because of the holidays we will only have the first Aston Tor meetings (on the second Thursday of each month). We will be having a potluck for the December meeting. Dress in garb and bring a dish! There is usually around 30-35 people in attendance. All food is welcome (period and modern alike), but please bring an ingredient list for those who have dietary restrictions.
- November 17th-18th
Toys for Tots: Wyvern Cliffe (Jefferson City, MO); there will be Order of the Iren-Fyrd and Order of the Iren-Hirth meetings, as well as Stile Fyrd and Stile Hus meetings. They will commence after the Cut & Thrust tournaments have ended. Admission is one toy (plus site fee of course).
- December 8th-9th
Kris Kinder: Forgotten Sea (Kansas City, MO); event pre-registration closes November 29th. There will be Order of the Calon Cross and Order of the Pelican meetings. Also, we will have a meeting around 4ish to plan for cleanup.
- January 5th-6th
Twelfth Night: Lonely Tower (Omaha, NE)
- January 12th-13th
Winter Coronation: Vatavia (Wichita, KS); the site this year is spectacular.
Please help us clean up at Kris Kinder. In regards to the Tor Port, we will be painting Lord David MᶜKenna’s device onto it. We should consider what else, if anything, we would want to paint onto it. The baroness is looking into waterproofing and fire-retardant coatings we could apply to it. She is also trying to get measurements from the author of the BC/Bedouin design article.
We need someone to be the autocrat for Unslung Heroes next year, to be held May 4th-5th. We will talk to Aine about whether or not her place will be available for us to use; regardless, after she moves in a few years it will not be available, so other possible locations are something to keep in mind.
Zygmunt is requesting Officer Missives covering the last three months. The deadline to submit is Thursday December 2nd. Also if you have been working on a project, he would love for you to submit an article about it!
The Barony Exchequer position is opening up if anyone is interested.
The Tor account has about $5300; we are waiting for the church to deposit our check from the last six months.
In regards to the budget, our only expected expenses are rent for the church space and the Tor party.
As always, Lord Shane is collecting more items for his boxes.