Creative Work Grant of Use: This is the most common form you’ll need to fill out. Any works—articles, storys, scripts, poems, songs, artwork, maps, etc—that we print either on the website or in the Newsletter must have a Grant of Use on file.
Photograph Grant of Use: If you send pictures you’ve taken at either events or in private for us to use either on the website or Newsletter you’ll need to fill out this form. If you’d like to only fill this out once, make sure you check the PERPETUAL GRANTS OF USE box.
Model Release: If you appear in any pictures taken outside of a public space —anywhere there would be a reasonable expectation of privacy—you’ll need to submit this form. If you only appear in public pictures, this is not needed.
Officer Information Release: For the Officers of Aston Tor, if you’d like personal information to be available either on the website or in the Newsletter you need to fill out this form. Information provided on this release can only be published by the Canton.