Event: Unslung Heroes 2018
Event Stewards: Logan Munro and Geraint ap Hywel Glyndwyfrdwr
Site: Ladyship Aine nic Tallieur’s estate
Expected Attendance: @100
Site Cost = 0.00
Rental Costs = 0.00
Site Tokens: 50.00
Tithe =
Spending =
Insurance (Equestrian?): covered – no equestrian
Approved by Reeve: yes
Port-a-potties: 3 @ 75/each
Smoking Areas: 1
Fires Allowed: main fire pit only
Live Weapons Allowed:
Dry or Wet Site: Wet
How Many Privy Chambers: 1 – Soren&Rown tent
Baronial Storage Date:
Johanne’s elevation – tent is taken care of – set up where gate was last year; set of gate on other side?
A&S Coordinator: Constantia
Events Y/N
Schedule Y / N
Space Y/N
Judges –
Prizes Y / N
Water Coordinator: Aelin Kausi
Coolers Y/N
Water Access Y/N
Gatoraid Y/N
Fruit Y/N
Snacks Y/N
Jugs Y/N
Straws Y/N
Shade – Aelin & Shane
Royal Liaison: Aelin Kausi
Roylty Y
Meetings Y/N
Schedule Y/N
Lunch Y/N
Breakfast Y/N
Space Set up Y/N
Hall Steward: N/A
Hall Set up N
Servers N
Course Announcer N
Drinks N
Clean Up N
Inn Steward: Lasair nic Taillier
Budget Y/N
Cost Y/N
Theme Y/N
Help Y/N
Starter Cash Y/N
Set Up: Logan/
Indoor Signs Y/N
Tables/Chairs Y/N
Directional Signs Y/N
Decorations Y/N
Parking ropes/rbar – aines has
Troll / Gate Coordinator: Alienor Walcott
Volunteer Schedule Y
Forms Y/N
Starter Change Y
Logan’s tent for Gate
Fighter Martial: Janos
Scenarios Y / N
Schedule Y / N
List Field Y/N
Martials Y / N
List People Y/N
Water Bearers Y/N
Shade Y / N
C&T Martial: Kagetora Hirakawa
Scenarios Y/N
Schedule Y/N
List Field Y/N
Martials Y/N
List People Y/N
Water Brearers Y/N
Shade Y / N
Archery Martial: Shane Bax
Shoot Themes Y/N
Schedule Y/N
Targets Y/N
List People Y/N
Water Supplies Y/N
Shade Y/N
Post Revel: on-site
Directions N
Theme Y/N
Merchant Coordinator: N/A
Merchants Y
Fees N
Lay out N
Set Up N
Signs N
Crash Space: N/A
Needed N
Hotels N
Volunteers N
Meetings Y / N
Rooms Y / N
Signs Y / N
Court Y / N
Activities Y / N
Advertising: Logan
Website Y
Flyer for Mews Y
Announcements Y
Social Media Y
Clean Up:
Signs Y/N – Logan
Tables/chairs Y
Sweeping Y/N
Vaccuum N
Mopping Y/N
Trash Y/N