05/23/19 Notes from the Aston Tor Meeting

Upcoming Events: Please refer to the Kingdom calendar for all upcoming events.


We are still in need of award recommendations, so please send them in. If you aren’t sure what award would be appropriate the Baron and Baroness are happy to figure it out with you.


If you are doing a project, learning a new skill, wishing for instruction, or just curious about anything TELL LASAIR!!


Zygmunt is requesting missives. If you do anything, TELL ZYGMUNT!


We didn’t get charged for the port-a-johns at Unslung, so we are not out that cost. However please be on the lookout for opportunities to make up that income so that we can pay for our church space rental. Also be looking out for potential event sites. Places that can host 200-300 people, where weapons and fighting are not banned. Churches, civic centers, etc.

He has also found out that the Smithville Lake Park fee for areas 2, 3, and 4 is $60/night with a minimum of 20 people, and $3/person after that. It was unclear if the $60 is per area, or for all three areas, so he will check back.


No news from the webminister, however it has been requested that someone contact the baronial webminister and ask them to take the old website off of the facebook page.


She is now managing Falcon’s Rest. She has petitioned for it to be moved closer to the action, but has not received word yet.


As this is the last meeting before Lilies, any remaining donations should be brought to the appropriate persons beforehand, or to Lilies itself.


A vote was taken and it was decided that instead of rescheduling Unslung, we will instead put a bid (due July 1st) in for King’s Companie of Archers (second weekend in September). Autocrats will be Janos Katona and Sara Warenne.