Upcoming Events:
For upcoming events please refer to the Kingdom Calendar
The Baron and Baroness went to a vineyard this weekend. They have had some dealings with the owner in the past, and he is quite enthusiastic upon learning of the SCA. He may allow us to hold small events at his property!
They are seeking award recommendations! Please send them some. There has been some confusion, as they have received none, but a few populace members are certain they’ve sent them in, so please email the Baron/Baroness directly at soren.of.tor@gmail.com and rowandelwich@gmail.com . If you’re not sure which award would be appropriate, just ask and their excellencies and they will help.
The barony has many events coming up (Fall Crown, the next Coronation, etc.) and we need help for all (gate, waterbearers, etc.). Please consider volunteer.
The baronial e-swipers are now available.
She is going to commission a stamp from Garren of a sea sheep holding a key, to stamp onto favors, to be worn by people who are comfortable talking to and/or introducing newcomers. This symbol will indicate to the newcomers that this is a good person to approach.
If you are doing a project, learning a new skill, wishing for instruction, or just curious about anything TELL LASAIR!!
It is never too early to send Officer Missives! The deadline for submissions is the last weekend of June, but sooner is better than later as this gives him more time for formatting/layout/etc.
If you do something, tell him! Write something about it, draw it, and send it in!
Q1 report is done and sent in.
HL Kendall has started his project to scan in and archive the giant tub of Tor financial records. He hopes to someday get them all digitized.
I am going to start bringing my laptop to meetings so that I can work on my notes while at meetings; hopefully this will make it easier for me to find time to simply upload them.
HL Logan de Munro is still technically the webminister as I (Zulaykha) have only today managed to send in my paperwork. However if you need anything, go ahead and contact me, and I will get it done.
Mistress Dorcas
– is stepping down as kingdom submission Herald. She will still be able to accept cash for submissions, but it will be more difficult than it was previously, so if you could please get a check or money order instead.
HL Aine
– if you need a table at Unslung, you need to bring it yourself, as she never has enough.
– there is some confusion about the locations of various thrown weapons/accouterments; if you have them, or were the last to use/move them, or know where they are, please make sure they make their way back to Aine’s before Unslung.
-if you are coming to Aine’s to volunteer Friday before Unslung, please come no earlier than 10am.
Lord Shane
– is collecting booze and cash. If everyone from the canton could bring one item to Unslung it would be greatly appreciated.